Punkster Rockpopple
    posts: 86
    (12/9/00 8:22:23 am)

                         Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        I said it.

                        All this wimpy crap about ( Oh..we can't hurt him...he's a living creature! Who
                        care's if he's gonna bust open a dam that'll kill hundres of other creatures! ) is a

                        Obviously, this applehead's attitude is gonna get her fried. What happens when
                        she's up against a REAL digimon ( Not a darkspiral ) That's evil ( Not controlled )
                        and who doesn't give two craps whether she lives or dies. What will she do then?
                        Give him milk & cookies while he chops her up into liver patte?

                        The old Digidestined killed ALL the Darkmasters ( Well...they didn't kill Piedmon,
                        They put him in an eternal prison. That's TORTURE folks! )

                        They killed Lady Devimon, and a whole bunch of other cronies....

                        Sure..they didn't kill Ogremon and whoever. BUT if he had posed a
                        significant threat to them or their loved ones...kiss Ogremon's butt goodbye.

                        This silly little twit ( Miyako...not Me  ) had better know that desperate times
                        call for desperate measures.

                        What really burns me is that she was willing to sacrifice hundreds of lives just
                        because she didn't want to kill 1 badguy. That's pathetic, and Davis oughta slap
                        her around!

                        That's my 2 cents.

                        Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking may cause bad breath and Stupidity of the
    Miyako Obsessed
    posts: 1858
    (12/9/00 8:27:07 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed


                        YOU DARE MOCK THE GREAT MIYAKO-CHAN!?

                        DURING THE DARKMASTERS ARC!

                        NO ONE MOCKS MIYAKO-CHAN!
    Punkster Rockpopple
    posts: 90
    (12/9/00 8:31:53 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed


                        The only reason Miyako decided to get with the program is that she realized that
                        this Golemmon WASN'T REALLY ALIVE.

                        Ergo: she's still a pointless little applehead that'd better get into the program.
                        Because if she never found out about Golemon being a Dark Spiral, she would have
                        let a town drown because she's a big wimp.

                        And now that you mention it...Mimi's the same thing.

                        Not all bad Digimon have a Dark Gear, a Dark Spiral, or a Dark Peanut controlling
                        them. Some are just evil...and you'd better be willing to kill them, otherwise,
                        they'll eat you alive. ( Miyako! )

                        So ya, the great Miyako-chan better slap the apples out of her head and get
                        ready to fight and maybe kill some living Digimon

                        PS. If she was in Season 1...she'd probably be dead!

                        I have mocked Miyako...and it was good.
    Stingmon Rules!!
    posts: 1828
    (12/9/00 8:32:13 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        AHH!!! Too many capital letters!! o_O
    Necro C
    posts: 8
    (12/9/00 8:32:29 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        i have to agree,but what i dont get is why didnt tk or kari step in and tell her that
                        sometimes you need to kill and not reason?
    Miyako Obsessed
    posts: 1860
    (12/9/00 8:35:08 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        ooo! I really, really, really hate your attitude Punkster!

                        ::snaps fingers::

                        MODS, delete or lock this topic, NOW!
    Gazi andEvil Digimon
    posts: 74
    (12/9/00 8:38:50 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        Miyako defenders: Uhmm...what happens when Vamdemon comes back and wants
                        to kill the digidestined...I can immagine it...
                        "Oh kill me so I don't have to kill a bad guy, after all you are a living creature!"
    posts: 84
    (12/9/00 8:43:28 am)

                         Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        She's a purple-haired, glasses wearing Releena Peacecraft. And you know what
                        happened to that pacifist, don't you? All hail Yolei:Queen of the world.

                        *Kari steps in* Wait! That's my title! I'm the special one. I don't see anyone
                        calling you 'Firefly butt'!!!

                        *huge catfight starts*

                        NOte: I don't hate Kari or yolei. But I do know someone that calls her that. ^^
    Rainbow Keeper
    posts: 675
    (12/9/00 8:47:56 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        >>Not all bad Digimon have a Dark Gear, a Dark Spiral, or a Dark Peanut controlling

                        Man: We still don't know who the murderer is.
                        Detective: Hm...I bet it was this peanut!
                        Woman: Oh! That makes perfect sense! Who would suspect a peanut?
                        Detective: We must smash this peanut to prevent it from committing any more
                        Man: But are you strong enough? I don't know if any of us have the strength to
                        smash that peanut!
                        Detective: You may be right....oh, look, it's Hercules!
                        Hercules: You wanna buy an Encyclopedia? It's Cid-Cum.
                        Detective: Hercules! You must smash the peanut for us!
                        Hercules: Nah, I'm tired.
    Punkster Rockpopple
    posts: 91
    (12/9/00 8:53:55 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her killed

                        It's all true! Everyone realizes it! She is a damn Relena Peacecraft...and we all
                        know what happened to the Sanc Kingdom...the Kingdom of wimps!

                        The DD's killed Devimon, LadyDevimon, Etemon, Lady Etimon, Myotismon,
                        VenomMyotismon, MetalSeadramon (Violently!) Puppetmon ( in cold blood )
                        MugenDramon/MachineDramon ( Violently ) and Piedmon ( They put him in eternal
                        torture )

                        WITHOUT BLINKING AN EYE!

                        They were all alive, they weren't being controlled, and now they're dead!

                        Miyako...she'd better wise up. Like the guy said, when Myotismon knocks on her
                        door, ready to eat her and her family, what's is she gonna do?

                        Ne-Go-Ti-ATE? Hah!

    Digimon Lurker
    posts: 34
    (12/9/00 8:54:36 am)
                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her

                        I think I'm going to have to agree with Punkster on this one. Miyako was being
                        irrational. Like GaziandEvilDigimon said before, if it would have been Vamdemon
                        instead of Rockmon, Miyako would have been killed. Raptor, I know you're a huge
                        Miyako fan, but look at the facts. Rockmon was about to destroy the dam and the
                        water would have flooded the town. It seemed as though Miyako was caring more
                        about not hurting Rockmon than saving the innocent Digimon at Primary Village.
                        Daisuke was thinking about the village and knew that Rockmon had to be stopped
                        at any cost. So he did what he thought was right.

                        The Phantasm
                        End Transmission...

    Rainbow Keeper
    (12/9/00 9:17:14 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her

                        >>Miyako...she'd better wise up.<<

                        "I'll tell you once; I won't tell you twice. You'd better wise up, Janet Weiss.
                        Your apple pie don't taste too nice. You'd better wise up, Janet Weiss.
                        Ya gotta block? Well, take my advice. You better wise up, Janet Weiss."
    Cyber Cody
    (12/9/00 9:36:38 am)
                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her


                             "I'll tell you once; I won't tell you twice. You'd better wise up, Janet
                             Your apple pie don't taste too nice. You'd better wise up, Janet
                             Ya gotta block? Well, take my advice. You better wise up, Janet

                        "Your a hotdog but you better not try to hurt her, Frank Furter."
    (12/9/00 9:50:37 am)

                             Re: Miyako's Girlish Pacifism's gonna get her

                        LadyEtimon?What areyou talking about Punkster?And I thought Myotismon was an
                        Undead digimon.
    (12/9/00 9:57:54 am)
                             Miyako Peacecraft?

                        Heh! I thought of the Miyako/Relena thing as soon as I saw this least
                        there are some other people who think the same way I do (scary!)

                        Relena never got killed, no matter what she did. So all her "YAY PACIFISM!" stuff
                        just made everyone hate her. I don't think it'll get Miyako killed, she'll just become
                        hated by all...^_^;

    Queen Mew
    (12/9/00 12:10:17 pm)

                             Re: Miyako Peacecraft?

                        I can sympathize with Miyako, but only a little. I'd hate to hurt or kill a digimon,
                        but let's look at the facts.

                        Either Rockmon would die:
                        1 life

                        Or Primary Village:
                        Hundreds maybe thousands of lives.
                        Good and innocent

                        Which whould be the bigger sacrafice?

    Ken-chan Lover
    (12/9/00 12:14:33 pm)

                             Re: Miyako Peacecraft?

                        Miyako is my favorite female character, and she was just acting the way she is! I
                        think she's over it now anyway. I think Ken got through to her  Just look in later
                        episodes, Silpyhmon kills Blossumon or whatever its name is ans she don't give a
    Imagination Child
    (12/9/00 12:41:09 pm)
                             Re: Miyako Peacecraft?

                        I've just read this thread from beginning to end and I would have to agree with
                        the majority. Miyako/Yolei was being a liitle silly. In the digiworld it's obviuosly Kill
                        or Be Killed. She needs to understand that, I'm sure she will just like Mimi did in
                        the end. But I did wonder why TK, Kari, or Mimi didn't speak up about it. I just
                        knew that TK if anybody would have let Yolei know what the deal was.
    (12/9/00 2:32:00 pm)

                             Re: Miyako Peacecraft?

                        oooooooooooooooOOhhhhh i don't know what happened to relena let me know.
                        and she was just being her sweet caring self as raptor said. and relena is smart.
                        imagine if you were in a leo fightin the war.
    (12/9/00 3:12:01 pm)

                        We now have to get into the whole "What is good and evil" thing. I missed the
                        episodes (I'm assuming we are talking about today's and I was at Model UN, I do
                        hae a life outside DM) so I'm just sort of guessing, but... did Miyako refuse to
                        have Hawkmon/Aquillamon attack some Digimon who was about to take out a
                        dam? Well, if hundreds of thousands of Digimon were going to die, that would
                        seem to justify the SOB becoming horse meat. But if Miyako was trying to reason
                        with him first, then that's good too. Violence should be a last resort. Trust me,
                        the reckless actions of the orgional DDs are going to come back to haunt them.

                        On the other hand, if Miyako was not AT ALL willing to use violence, I have no
                        sympathy. When all other means of settling conflict have been exhausted, the
                        remaining method must be used...

                        *blinks* Whoooo. You can tell I've been in MUN all day.
    (12/9/00 3:40:39 pm)

                            Re: Unfortuneately...

                        Miyako is my fave character, but I do think she should toughen up.
    Ishida Yamato
    Super Sayin-jin
    (12/9/00 3:47:15 pm)

                            Re: Unfortuneately...

                        Relena Peacecraft! That's nuts first Mimi and now Miyako! I hate Relena
                        Peacecraft she's so damn annoying!! I wish Heero killed her instead of saving her.
    SSJ Jupiter81
    (12/9/00 4:38:55 pm)
                             Miyako haters, calm down. -_-

                        In that sense...she reminds me of Mimi. Don't you all remember in 01...Mimi NEVER
                        wanted to fight...they practically had to make her fight. I haven't watched the
                        episodes yet, but from the way you all are talking, she reminds of Mimi a lot just
                        from this topic.

                        How come, like someone mentioned, they didn't just explain to her that sometimes
                        you have to fight, even if it means hurting someone. They did it with Davis and I
                        think they were MEAN when they did that.
    JD Turbeville
    Digimon Casanova
    (12/9/00 5:11:02 pm)

                             Re: Miyako haters, calm down. -_-

                        She's a Mimi in the making ... girly girl that toughens up. It's too obvious

                        She took her glasses off again

    Cyber Cody
    (12/9/00 5:12:40 pm)
                             Re: Miyako haters, calm down. -_-

                        I never could understand how Relena could be against fighting and violence yet
                        like a guy who has killed hundreds of people.

                        Miyako needs to loosen up, besides Hawkmon does all the work anyway she's just
                        the supervisor.
    (12/9/00 5:45:19 pm)
                             Lets see......

                        -Has long hair
                        -Into pacifism
                        -objects to someone that fights (hawkmon)
                        -acts spoiled

                        -Also has long hair but in different style
                        -practices pacifism
                        -objects to EVERYONE that fights (Earth Orgainizations i.e Alliance - OZ, Space
                        i.e. White Fang - Romoafeller, Lightning count/Milardo Peacecraft/Zechs , Gundam
                        Pilots, etc.)
                        -i don't think she acts spoiled....

                        Argh, thats all the similaties i could come up with between Relena and Miyako.
    Ishida Yamato
    Super Sayin-jin
    (12/9/00 5:56:14 pm)

                             Re: Lets see......

                        Relena wasn't spoiled but were really annoying I wish Heero killed her and come to
                        think of it they did looked alike.

                        Relena: Heero!
                        Heero: *take out a gun and point in to Relena* Omae O korosu
                        Relena: Ahhh!
                        Heero: *Pull trigger*

                        Miyako: *Standing infront of Raidramon trying to stop him) Daisuke! We can't kill
                        him, he's a living creature!
                        Daisuke: Get out of my way! (Raidramon attack Miyako with Blue lightning)
                        Miyako: Ahhh!
    SSJ Jupiter81
    (12/9/00 7:48:03 pm)
                             Re: Unfortuneately...

                        I just watched the eps. I really wish Kari and TK would've spoke up or SOME
                        thing...but they just stood there and let the two discuss.

                        How come nobody is talking about Cody. He was 100% with Yolei and her decision
                        of NOT hurting Golemon.
    Anon 24
    (12/9/00 8:06:00 pm)

                        The way I interpreted the episode, there are two possibilities explaining Yolei's
                        behavior. One is that she was willing to sacrifice the entire town of digimon so
                        that she could avoid feeling guilty about not killing a digimon. The other is that
                        she was willing to sacrifice the entire town of digimon for her ideals of pacifism. If
                        she had some goal of changing the world by eliminating violence altogether or
                        something like that, I'd buy the second one, but as it is, to me, both of those
                        choices don't show great moral character on her part. But character traits like this
                        just give them somewhere to go with character development. If they started out
                        perfect, none of them would change at all, and that would be pretty boring.
    David The Cartoon
    (12/9/00 8:20:11 pm)

                             Re: Unfortuneately...

                        Here's my spin -

                        1. Okay, yeah, after the trauma of the last few weeks Yolie was probably not
                        thinking clearly.

                        2. Punkster, you said that there's no way to get thought to Spire digimon and
                        that they are all evil. Yet BlackWarGreymon is made of many spires, yet seems to
                        possess free will, as well as compasion for..well a flower at least. I think he is just
                        very confused about his existance. Anyway, Yolie was right to try at least.

                        3. Who's Relena? From Gundam Wing I guess? Eh, I don't get Cartoon Network.
    Punkster Rockpopple
    (12/9/00 8:29:31 pm)

                             Re: Unfortuneately...

                        Dave, I'm a big fan of Black War Greymon. He's a soulless Digimon that is creating
                        his own soul through his own searching...which proves to point that there is the
                        potential of life in everything.

                        I was referring to somebody's comment that once Yolei found out that Golemmon
                        was a Tower instead of a Digimon, she found it easier to kill it to aleave her own
                        feelings of pacificism.

                        You bring up a good point. What happens when BWG comes a callin'. Will she still
                        be unable to fight to destroy him, even though he's

                        1) a bunch of towers pasted together
                        2) still a living creature
                        3) doesn't have any qualms about completely crushing her and everything else in
                        both worlds.

                        My thought is that she ( and Cody, if he agrees with her ) better smarten up.

                        ON A DIFFERENT NOTE:

                        The guy who said that this was a flaw of her character is right! The kids shouldn't
                        be all perfect...and character flaws make for better characters.

                        So this silly appleheaded Yolei notion of pacifism is actually a good thing  It
                        adds to the show. I'm glad other characters like Davis, Ken and TK don't agree
                        with her. It adds to a great character show.

                        PS. I don't get Cartoon Network too. I get YTV
    David The Cartoon
    (12/9/00 8:46:20 pm)

                             Re: Unfortuneately...

                        No, she'll be unable to fight and destroy him because he'd whip her digi anyway,
                        hehe, no offense to Hawkmon.
                        yeah, I agree with the character flaw thing, I was thinking that too.
    Mage of Fire
    (12/9/00 8:46:53 pm)

                         Re: Pacifism

                        ken:QUIT RAGGING ON MY WOMAN OR YOU ALL DEAD,
                        WORLD!!!!!! im sorry,im sorry,im okay,i wont yell,
                        i wont hurt,im nice,im sorry,im sorry,stop it,stop it,
                        STOP STARTING AT ME,STOP STARING AT ME!!!!!!!!

                        yolei:awww,its okay honey. *hugs ken*
    (12/9/00 8:49:42 pm)


                        VenomMyotismon, MetalSeadramon (Violently!) Puppetmon ( in cold blood )
                        MugenDramon/MachineDramon ( Violently ) and Piedmon ( They put him in eternal
                        torture )


                        makes the show sound sooo cool when u put it like that :lol
                        excuse me you don't consider being drilled all the way through where the crotch
                        area would be brutal? you should have added that on the myotismon parenthesis

                        who's lady etimon?

                        i found yolei's family part of the problem.. i don't know what they remind me of but
                        im preatty sure they taught her not to kill and stuff like that, is she budhist or
                        something? (not meant as a diss or anything) are her parents hippies? (again not
                        meant as a diss, they made a lot of reform in the 60's) it just seems that her
                        parents made her not hurt any living creature.
                        they just give me that impression.

                        Weird how she is in love with ken and tries to hate him sooo much (cause in her
                        heart she beleives he's good now and loves him like she used to before she knew
                        he was the kaiser, but tries to hate him so..., ken, and davis would have been the
                        only new new digidestined who would have survived in 01, of those who werent in
    Punkster Rockpopple
    (12/9/00 8:50:04 pm)

                         Re: Pacifism

                        You ok there Mage?

                        I know how to piss Mage off...hee hee...


                        Hee hee hee
    Arthur The Writer
    (12/9/00 8:53:22 pm)

                         Re: Pacifism

                        Hmm. Perhaps it's the fact that BWG is made up of many towers that makes him a
                        free moral agent instead of just a mindless pawn.
    David The Cartoon
    (12/9/00 9:07:56 pm)

                             Re: Pacifism

                        Oh heck yeah her parents are hippies!
                        But yellow bugs are rock! I was like spasin' when I saw one in Dig..i..monthat
                        hasn't happened yet, hehe.
    Punkster Rockpopple
    (12/9/00 9:10:50 pm)

                         Re: Pacifism

                        It's what makes BlackWargremon one of the coolest characters.

                        I hope they don't screw up his voice >_<. Usually I don't care...but in this case...I
                        really hope BWG has a voice like English Mewtwo or something.

                        As for Yolei's parents...I never thought of that. That's a new angle...and you're
                        right, she would've never survived 01 with this morality of hers.

                        But... like I said, it makes for great characterization. I'd like to see her in a
                        situation where she has to fight for her life against a Digimon with no excuse (
                        Black Gear, Black Tower, Black Peanut..made up of Control Spires...just a plain old
                        nasty Digimon )
    Mage of Fire
    (12/9/00 10:06:24 pm)

                         Re: Pacifism

                        *crys* poor metalseadramon!!!

                        *lights candles around a picture of metalseadramon and machinedramon*
    Mage of Fire
    (12/9/00 10:30:57 pm)

                         Re: Pacifism

                        on no,why wont any new posts show?
    (12/9/00 11:08:50 pm)


                        i believe this topic has been settled and is dead thats y